10 Types Of Crushes We’ve All Had !

1. The Player : 
He flirts with all and has plenty of gal pals and is a guaranteed ladies’ man. He’s the worst person to be crushed over because apparently everyone is crushing over this fellow. And he’s just smashing hearts.

2. The Younger One: 
You’re on the verge of graduating and he is studying for his 10th class board exams. And for some apparent reason you find this junior of yours really cute. Trust me no harm in dating a younger guy, but… you know you are going to get made fun.

3. Your Best Friends Boyfriend : 
Yup, we’ve all crushed on them. Guilty as charged. Don’t deny it. We’re all In this together

4. The Older Guy : 
Be it a teacher or a tall, dark much older stranger you met at a party even if it means he’s your father’s friend. You know you be crushing hard BUT, STOP !!

4. The Childhood Crush : 
We all have that one .But never act upon it much.. may be go out for 2 weeks and that’s all. But he stays special forever.

6. The Nerd : 
Even if your standards are way higher. This crush of yours remains your biggest secret. You’ve loved secretly taking his advise on math. You use to love his geekish ways, but no way in hell you ever disclosed this one to your friends

7. The Bad Boy : 
We want them. We hate them. We want to change them. We just can’t do without them

8. The Fictional Character : 
Don’t deny it, we all have had our Mr. Grey, Augustus Waters crushes and wish they had existed in real life.! But they exist only in books, which is a bummer. my crush paul wesley

9. Girl Crush : 
ADMIT IT. That’s it. We all have one wish to look like her, talk like her, have a body like her.

10. The One Crush You Won’t Admit 
He can be anyone your bff's boyfriend to her father to your next door neighbour whom you can’t stand or a guy you’re too shy to admit your love to. These are the ones that stay forever locked in your head and no one needs to know

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